Monday, October 27, 2008

Chase Leo: Sultan Mehmet II Chased Leo Out of Constantinople

On Tuesday, 29 May 1453, Constantinople fell to the besieging army of Sultan Mehmet II. Constantine XI, the last Byzantine emperor, charged hopeless, defiant and screaming into the Ottoman masses. He was never seen again. More than a city fell that day. Some say the Middle Ages ended then, and Constantine saw himself as the last of the Romans.

After the Fall of Constantinople, Sultan Mehmed II claimed the title of Caesar of Rome (Kayser-i Rûm), since Byzantium was what had become of the Roman Empire after the transfer of its capital to Constantinople in 330 AD. Mehmed also had a blood lineage to the Byzantine Imperial family, as his predecessors like Sultan Orhan I had married a Byzantine princess. He was not the only ruler to claim such a title, as there was the Holy Roman Empire in Western Europe, whose emperor, Fredrick III, traced his titular lineage from Charlemagne who obtained the title of Roman Emperor when he was crowned - although without acceptance of the Eastern Roman Empire - by Pope Leo III in 800. 

Mehmet II CHASE'D LEO out of Constantinople and renamed the capital, Istanbul.

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